Sunday, May 29, 2011

8th Week of Intern

Wow ... just in a poof half the period of intern is over... things went smooth and well. hmm maybe not that smooth for certain stuff, but well its something that is out of ikea control so i think i should be following up on that the coming week.

hmm the logbook is getting harder and harder to write everyday, have always been cracking my head on what to include on the log book. but so far everyday there is always something new for me to experience and learn and i am greatful for that.

upcoming week i will be completing the last section of the analysis and i will be meeting up with the managers to discuss futher on how can the department work on improving their staff skills and knowledge to provide better services

well a LITTLE MORE TO GO and i will reach the end point...

way to go

looking forward for more and i should be starting to train up for my Standard Chartered run =)

Sign off