Sunday, July 24, 2011

Week 14, 15 & 16...A Sum up for the Whole Experience

Alright… I guess this should be the last post to sum up my attachment at IKEA HR.
Well for the past 4 months… it is not a wonderful experience but also a enjoyable one, I am really thankful to Jazreel, Christina and Poh Yuen for giving me the chance to work with them and really treated me like a colleague rather than a student attachment.
Thank You Jazreel for giving me the chance to experience Human Resource. Thank you for having me in the department, I have always wanted to have a taste of how things work in Human Resource.
Thank you Christina for been a really wonderful “Da Jie” and also a Mentor to me. You have really taught me many things and really I enjoyed all your “Lectures” and also all the small and big talks we have. Thank you for sharing your experience with me and I am really grateful of all the time, effort and very importantly the trust that you have placed on me.
Thank you Poh Yuen for always there to help me out whenever I am caught into problem that I could not handle. Sorry if I have always been a trouble when it comes to my clocking in and out for lunch or for work. Thanks you for sharing with me the processes of recruiting a co-worker to IKEA and also giving me the chance to go through the experience to be a Recruiter in IKEA.
Overall I think it’s not only a meaningful and fruitful experience but I believe the memories that were shared and created during the attachment process will be the most invaluable one. I am really glad that I am able to be attached to IKEA and I hope in the future more people could go through the same form of experience as me and it will definitely be beneficial for the student in the future when they really step out into the working world.